Podcast | Trafficking Table Talk – Human Trafficking & END IT Day-X

Simone Simon, Director and Host for Trafficking Table Talk, interviews Tershia de Klerk, Founder and Managing Director of The Joseph Movement.

The discussion touches on Human Trafficking Basics, How it can be right in front of your eyes and that Human Trafficking does not discriminate, therefore everyone must remain vigilant.
Later on we get to “End It Day” marked with a Red X. You will be included in our discussion to help spread the End It Day mark all over Social Media in support of freedom from slavery.
Simone & Tershia will have a little fun which is sure to put a smile on your face, so watch/listen all the way to the end.

The Joseph Movement: connect@josephmovement.org.za
SA National Human Trafficking Hotline: 0800 222 777

—– Content—–

00:00 – How Tershia got involved in Human Trafficking Prevention
01:36 – The difference between Human Trafficking & Trafficking
04:24 – The main aspects we need to know about Human Trafficking
08:39 – What to do if you suspects Human Trafficking or are being Trafficked
10:55 – What is “End-It Day”
11:22 – How you spread awareness on End-It Day (Shine a light on Slavery)
13:57 – Join us on Human Rights Day & our online HT Workshop
16:00 – Almost blooper time…