Tershia de Klerk

HUMAN TRAFFICKING: Start by Knowing the Basics

Human Trafficking is fuelled by a number of factors, including Pornography and Prostitution. It has become the new pandemic. Many do not know exactly what Human Trafficking is, as many mostly link it to abduction, children going missing or containers of people shipped across boarders. Although this is in fact a sad reality, Human Trafficking …

HUMAN TRAFFICKING: Start by Knowing the Basics Read More »

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Full Decriminalisation of Prostitution – What is the Root Problem?

The following valuable information will give us good insight and knowledge around the topic of Prostitution. After all, we are called to be the salt and light in this world – this means – in all areas of life.

Podcast | Trafficking Table Talk | Human Rights & Labour Trafficking South Africa

The Joseph Movement NPC speaks to Advocate Liechen Strydom about Human Rights and Labour Trafficking in South Africa.
Adv. Strydom is the founder and owner of Liberation Legal Consulting, who work with companies from various sectors on assessing their business operation risks on modern slavery and implement preventative and mitigative steps in terms of not only their operations, but also their supply chain.

Podcast | The Link Between Pornography & Human Trafficking

Clive Human has been providing counselling and giving talks for the past 25 years about Pornography. Clive is an expert in the field of Pornography and it’s affects on society. He started Standing Together to Oppose Pornography (S.T.O.P) after being addicted to pornography himself. He gives a short testimony about a pedophile sexually abusing him as a pre-schooler and how the pornography use already started from age 11.

Podcast | Combat Human Trafficking with The Joseph Movement | Summary

Managing Director of The Joseph Movement, Tershia de Klerk, gives us a brief overview of The Organisation, Combatting Human Trafficking and her personal testimony that catapulted her from 15 years of working at Non Profit Organisations in Missions & Pro-Life Spheres, to exposing and educating people about Human Trafficking, also known as Modern-Day Slavery. 

A Testimony that Brought About a Desire to Help Combat Pornography, Sexual Exploitation and Human Trafficking

“Through spending so much meaningful time with God, He began giving me a much deeper and absolute unconditional love for my husband. And at the same time, my reality began revolving around God and not around a person. I experienced complete forgiveness towards my husband. An absolutely liberating experience. Nevertheless, he did continue with his Pornography struggle… He eventually took his own life.”